Tuesday 8 September 2009

Extending the beauty of trees

I love trees. No I do, I really love them, being around them, looking at them, sitting by them somehow clears my mind and reenergises my soul.

Seeing a dead or dying tree often saddens me, particularly if it's been damaged by someone or has been chopped down for reasons of health and safety.

Walking through the park today however I stumbled across a few tree stumps - the remnants of vandalism or risk assessments I presume - which had been crafted into items of beauty which to me had extended the wonder of these glorious plants.

So in one of my less 'angry' states of mind (that's probably because I’ve been walking in a wooded park, there see, what did I tell you?), I'd like to share some of them with you.

I particularly like the bench, just because it's now something people can really connect with and because it has been sculptured from the tree and not processed into timber and assembled, there's a certain magic about it.

Here's one more. Enjoy


  1. I love trees, too. All shapes and sizes. And when the stumps are put to good use - even better. I've stayed at a couple of campgrounds where they've made carvings out of the tree stumps. Kind of "recycling", right? Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. Yahoo!

  2. Thanks for commenting guys. Appreciated.

  3. Absolutely awesome pics! I also do love trees.
    Thank so much for following my blog. :)

  4. Thanks Betty, and you're welcome, I love your Blog :)

  5. love the great pics,simply beautiful! just wanted to let you know i'm enjoying your blog and thanks for following mine:)
